Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Plague house

So I woke up this morning and got dog snot sprayed on my face.

Ferd had a couple of snotty wheezy fits yesterday and he had another one this morning. He definitely wasn't exhibiting happy sprockerness so I took him to the vets.

So dogs can't get a feline cold and because Ferd is now poorly Uli is unlikely to have a cold, there is a bacteria which affects both species (and rabbits) - Bordetella.

I'd not heard of it before. Ferd has antibiotics and we are doing steam inhalations, because Uli is only sneezing and is fine otherwise we are still letting nature take its course but if he doesn't show improvement we will obviously take him back to the vets.

In the mean time we have had to remove the communal drinking bowls and are keeping a close eye on the rest of the 'children' we are trying to limit Ferds contact with the bunnies.

Fingers crossed no one else gets sick :(

So remember if you are a multiple species home and a couple are exhibiting the same symptoms make sure the vet knows this as it could make all the difference.

P.s I have no idea why my picture is sideways using blip app

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