With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

GBH... K

Great Big Hairy Knees

not visibly here much, but covered in bruises and scratches, and that's before any real action. And those legs are growing.

I had to feed them both (boys that is), on copious amounts of anything by the end of the day, which meant noodles and sushi and rice. I had a full day of intensive teaching, all very interesting. The bill paying bit was interesting too.

It won't transcribe well, but I want to remember this...

We were watching a film this evening, with Marlon Brando, Angie Dickinson and Robert Redford plus other female lead (not sure of title or her name) and Ben remarked, "Why is she (lead actress) like that? She's behaving very strangely." I said "I just think she is very confident". By chance, her character immediately replied ( to us seemingly directly) "Well, yes , I am". We all fell about laughing, including Little Agu.

Ah well, perhaps you had to be there.... It would have been nice if you were.

And what any of that has to do with knees, I reallt don't know.

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