Real Life TV
No spoilers to ruin these unfolding events of real life..... so much better than sitting at home watching daytime tv....Here I had my real life "TV" and it was a pleasure to view this morning in Lusk, a local village, which I had traveled through to enable me photo some shots I didn't manage to capture yesterday... Nearly managed to be late for my silversmith classes in Wayland's Forge at Skerries Mills.... I did, however, manage to finish my owl inspired wind chimes ...eventually... It's a strange one off piece made of copper, brass, guilding metal, some silver, gold dust, bees wax, owl feathers...and fishing line... I like one off pieces as they cannot be compared and criticized..... like life.....You do the best you can... You fall down and get up again..... as often as you can.....and when you can rise no more you look for a helping hand to steady you...and the only harm is in the belief is a failing when, in fact, it's a gift...just saying...and rambling on a bit....
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