Everyday Beautiful Things

My soul woke up hungry to see something beautiful on this morning, so I indulged myself, allowing the luxury of not one but several quick photo stops on my morning drive. These were just a few of the sights my soul took in:

Humble cows having a quiet morning in the fields.

A burnt cabin surrounded by fall foliage.

The gentle curve of a rural Pennsylvania road.

The sweet but simple lines of a barn: black and white, and black and white.

Golden corn in a field, whispering in the breeze, lining both sides of the farmer's road; corn that goes on forever.

The sun rising, rising, diffuse against the heavy clouds; the simple art of fall weeds making shapes against the light.

An open gate and the blue mountain beyond it.

A green path, a far tree, the swell of a hill.

The gentle textures of fall leaves on the boardwalk.

The wooden rails of a bridge and the glisten of water below.

The path ahead of me, the path behind me . . . shining with light.

My heart so full - almost to bursting - at the sight of these everyday beautiful things.

The soundtrack: David Usher, featuring Cœur de Pirate, Everyday Things.

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