Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tilly browses around the Craft Fair

Everywhere we went today the pink umbrella came too, like most cats Tilly does not like getting wet! Its just as well she has me with her to carry her brolly and take her pictures, I'm like her PA or something! ;O)

Today we visited the Craft Fair beside St Johns. Naturally we couldn't actually afford to buy anything there (its extortionate!) but we did very much enjoy blipping and browsing. Plus we met some very fluffy cows which was lovely :o)
Tilly was quite a hit with these girls and I did think about using this for my blip instead. They were much enamoured with her.
Come to think of it I don't think they actually realised that she was with me! lol

When I got back I made my utterly delicious (if I do say so myself! well, it is my fave!) spag bol for Jo for tea tonight, followed by pralines and cream haagan-dazs...... Heavenly!

Diet is now going to resume in earnest once the festival is over. I promise.

Tilly's tales of festival frolicks begin here!

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