Free as a Bird

I had to take Louis back to the vets this morning just for a check up with his ear, and he got the all clear which is good news. It was a lovely sunny start to the day, but heavy rain was forecast, so I decided to make the most of it, and instead of going to the gym, Louis and I did a 4.5 mile walk from Rottingdean to the Marina and back.

This shot is taken from the Marina looking back towards Rottingdean, and despite the slight flare from the sun, I love the reflections on the sea, and I'm really pleased that I captured the Seagull in flight. It reminds me of the song 'Free as a Bird' by John Lennon, so here's an ear worm for you :-)

Fortunately we made it home before the rain came - it's now very heavy and looks like it'll be like this for the rest of the day. But I'm at home this afternoon as I need to catch up on my jobs after being away, and then I'm going into town to meet Alan for a drink after work. We're not planning on being out all night, just an hour or so and then back home for the left over Beef Tagine from last week, that I'd put in the freezer.

Anyway, I'd better get on as I've been on Blip for about an hour already catching up on all your journals. Have a great start to the weekend!

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