Folds In the Fields...

Early sunshine raking across uppy and downy fields, near Burcombe, this morning.

Colour was nice enough but this begged for a high contrast black and white. When editing, I was intrigued by the random dots in the top centre, just beneath the tallest trees. They aren't livestock - I looked closer, on 'actual pixels' and then zoomed in even more. The way they are resting, I am sure that they are deer and - I now think they're geese - thanks to Shuttersister for suggesting so. Look in LARGE to see if you agree.

They must choose such a location to rest in as they can see all about them and can move and scatter quickly and easily, yet can forage in nearby woodland.

Lens is Tamron SP 70-300mm VC.

It's Friday again - and the weekend beckons - lap it up folks!

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