High School Musical

Annual High school music night. The S5/S6's took over the arrangements and turned it into a Cheese'n'Wine too!

Previous concerts we all sat in regimented lines, facing the front, fingers on lips. However tonight the audience were treated to round tables, floral arrangements, candles and a more relaxed atmosphere.

The entertainment was superb. I am constantly amazed at the talent and confidence of my daughters and their friends and peers.

By the time two very talented electric guitarists hit the riff in 'Hotel California' the wine had seeped into our souls and heads were nodding, feet were tapping and more than a few parents were singing along.

No 1 said that most of the Advanced Higher music class were also doing Advance Higher Maths and Physics ! Very Rock and Roll!

Cracking night.

Here's No 2 - tucked in the middle and playing 'Skyfall' - she was ace!

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