
By mrsc48


The gang are back on. This time they are all in vegas.

Jess and Ricky are the only couple in vegas and have fell out because Jess took Ricky with all the other girls and Bobby to see the chippendales! Jess went on stage and Ricky didn't like it and Jess couldn't see why!

Ferne and Charlie have parted after 31/2 years and he's now texting and just snogged Jasmine. Ferne is devastated and has told him if he goes out with Jasmine she will never have him back.

Mario has manscaped thankfully and he asked Charlie if he had. Mario is texting and possibly seeing Lauren to the annoyance of Lucy who keeps saying it is nothing to do with her as they aren't together any more but is clearly making an issue even though she is seeing Tom and he is the worst snorer ever.

I hope your keeping up.

Joey and Sam have split. Sam is now doing false laughs and throwing her head back alot flirting with Jess cousin Elliot who just happens to have arrived with no one knowing to surprise jess for her birthday. It cheered Jess up who had just fallen out with Ricky.

Arj couldn't believe his best mate Elliot had arrived in vegas and not told him and is now in a difficult position as his other friend is Joey who was engaged to Sam.

There seems to be alot of botox on top lips in this series. Awful. Sam looks dreadful.

As we keep hearing they are all single and can do what they want.

The only way is Vegas.

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