
By pattons6

I'm a very happy girl today

I had a long lie in this morning. I slept in until 9am, daddy got my brother and sister ready quietly, so I could sleep. Once up I had great fun playing with mummy. I particularly enjoyed peaking out the letter box waving at people.

Daddy then took me out to the park. I had such fun on the swings, slide and running round. We then popped to the library and then to get my sister at school.

I have eaten lots today and drank all my milk. I'm cutting more teeth, I have been chewing on everything.

The best bit of the day was going shopping with my brother and sister, oh and mummy of course. My sister got new trainers, my brother some boots and I got a surprise which is seemingly going to arrive soon. Oh wonder what it is? Big milk, chocolate, prawn crackers or a new handbag? So while I wait I will look after mummy hand bag.

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