Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Yay, the leaves are falling!

This morning I was at Magdalene College in Cambridge. I was asked to take photos for a website. What an amazing place, I even bumped into the Archbishop of Canterbury, he wasn't keen on being blipped though! Archbishop Rowan Williams announced his acceptance of the position of Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge in January 2013 and is a familiar face around the college and grounds.

Unfortunately, Grandpa is really quite poorly... We went to the nursing home this evening to see him and he really is a poor dear, deteriorating fast. Although we did liven his evening up by singing to him (not sure that impressed him much) and we also dipped his sponge sticks (to moisten his mouth) in some sherry for him. We thought he'd like that and as he isn't on any meds, it was a nice treat for him. Hopefully we'll be going back Monday to see him x

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