River of Flowers

By doffy

William Sowden (1893 - 1970)

Something completely different in today's blip! The cap badge shown belonged to my maternal grandmother's brother (my great uncle). I have a photo of William Sowden in his uniform and I happened to show it to Mrs Toad yesterday and she told me that his stripes showed he was a Sergeant during the Great War. Mrs Toad has been doing some research and discovered that William Sowden was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal, sadly I never met him. We are hoping to find out more about him over the next few weeks.

ADDED LATER: this is a photo of William sent as a postcard to my grandmother, Lizzie, from France on 10th September 1917.

I went to the Archives this morning to discuss the next project I'll be working on. It's going to be very interesting and needs to be completed ready for it's launch in early December, more information in due course!

It was only 10 degrees (50 degrees Fahrenheit), northerly wind and pretty chilly. El P, Andy P and Graham were all here this morning pebble dashing the chimney.

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