
By Niseach9

Butt of Lewis

After yesterday's blip I couldn't resist heading out again late last night for a wee trip out to the lighthouse this time to see if there was anything doing! It was a wet and wild night and as I walked Meg and Archie for their last sniffs of the night (about midnight ish) I noticed the clouds were parting over the lighthouse and there was a glow in the sky. Raced home, the dogs both loving it, tripped up into the house (fell flat on my arse lol), grabbed the camera and tripod (which I broke on the way out the door) and jumped in the car and carefully adhering to the speed limits of course, zoomed over to the lighthouse. This was a mistake as I noticed another shower coming in. I sat there playing with the broken tripod (I broke one of the catches on the legs) for a while and as I fixed it I looked up and hey presto there was a big gap in the cloud and a wee green glow! I didn't like the buildings behind the lighthouse so I moved slightly away and just took the lighthouse and due to the angle the sea is nowhere to be seen lol!

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