
By Jennie2013


For whatever reason, I wanted to take this picture this morning. Surprisingly, it captured what today was about. I thought a lot about the imprints people leave on our lives- both good and bad. And how they shape us into who we are. I often wish certain things didn't happen, that certain people didn't come into my life, but I realize that those times are just as important as the good- they show us how strong we are, who are real friends are, and teach us important life lessons.
On a MUCH lighter note, today finally felt like fall in LA! The temperature was cool and it rained (you forget how nice a rainy day is until you move to a place that gets almost no rain!)- perfect for snuggling under a cozy blanket, seasonal candles lit, reading a good book. :)

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away; Lengthen night and shorten day; Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree. I shall smile when wreaths of snow Blossom where the rose should grow; I shall sing when night’s decay Ushers in a drearier day.

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