"Holy LADYBUGS Batman!"

Check out the eyes in large!

They were EVERYWHERE along the sunny side of the garage this evening. I counted 37 little polka dotted domes at one point. As evening approached, I was without a blip (again) and started the search for something interesting. I found a ladybug at the corner of the garage and thought, "this could do". In the entire summer I only saw 3 ladybugs total, so finding one in October seemed like a bonus... then I saw 3 more, then more and more and more. Not a single one on anything interesting like a leaf or plant, just tons of them scaling the siding; red ones, orange ones, spotted ones, spotless ones... CRAZY.

At one point I realized that they were also attracted to my shirt! I had 6 on me and not knowing if they were the biting kind I was a little interested in them moving on... One did move on, to my lens! :) I watched it for a bit but lost track of it as I removed the ones on my shirt. Later, I did find the one on my camera as I put the viewfinder to my eye... yup she was on the viewfinder! Too close for comfort - yikes. As soon as the sun went down, the ladybugs disappeared. I guess they were pretty interested in the warmth of the sun, though I don't know why they would choose the siding versus a plant or something more natural...

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