Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Goal celebrations

Shots 3 Luton 3

Cracking game of football, although I was everso slightly drunk which meant that I didn't pay as much attention as I should do.

The best company one could possibly have with Stuart (Northern Irish ManUre fan); Mark (Scottish Dunfermline fan), Gary (Aussie Shots fan) and Bill (English Shots fan). Wonderful.

From what I remember, it was an end to end match which would easily score 5 stars for entertainment. We did well to come back from a goal behind twice, and managed to take a 3-2 lead into half-time. The second half continued in the same way with chances at both ends, but unfortunately the Ref had a funny 10 minutes in the second half and made several very odd decisions, including giving Luton a penalty which made it 3-3. A point won or two points conceded? not sure, but we were very well entertained, and isn't that why we go?

This is Mark Molesley being congratulated by Brett Williams and Jordon Roberts after scoring a stonking individual effort for our third goal.

Happy days :-)

Now to start planning our visit to watch Dunfermline play in early December!

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