
By cowgirl

Walkies with Fossey

Had a nice surprise phone call from Jo last night to ask if I could do the honours for Fossey's walkies as she had to work a long day today. Of course I jumped at the chance!

I also had morning coffee with my book supplier, Michael. He saves up a bag of books for me that he's read and passes them on. Trouble is, he reads so much faster than me and I have quite a pile, but as we won't be able to continue this when I move, I'm hoarding them all, knowing I will eventually get round to reading them!

Then I met Mo and her daughter in another coffee shop, but had a fruit juice there and as I was about to leave, yet more coffee shop friends ( as I term all the people I know that I met whilst waitressing. Michael is one of them too ) came in. Sadly my car park ticket was up so I couldn't stay.

We've been lucky with the weather and had two good walks. I actually feel Fossey was rather glad to get home this evening though - we were out about an hour and a half due to picking blackberries as we passed them. Sometimes her face as I stopped and leaned into the hedge for the berries again was a picture! She was happier when I gave her one or two though. Labradors really will eat anything!

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