A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Walk to Remember

My birthday celebrations last night with Rory were incredible! I had a blast and we are both rather worse for wear today! <br />
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We spent the afternoon (after a spewy car journey) at the beach in Arbroath, exploring and watching hermit crabs fighting in the rock pools. I absolutely love looking in rock pools and trying to spot all the life! It's something that Rory introduced me to and it is so incredibly fascinating! There is nothing quite like watching a hermit crab fight! <br />
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Rory treated us to Nandos for dinner before heading to spend our evening playing bingo. I love Nandos! The food is so scrummy!<br />
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Bingo is so much fun! Everyone should go and play! Rory and I didn't realise it was going to be so intense but it was brilliant fun! The closest we got to winning was two numbers remaining...we shall definitely be going back!

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