Monarch! And Now . . . Let's Dance!
I haven't seen many monarch butterflies this year, so I was very excited to see this one. So excited, in fact, that I did a little dance! You might have guessed I'd spotted the Queen of England rather than "just" a butterfly.
I'm not seeing enough of this particular monarch to tell definitively whether it might be a male or female. The rear wings of the male contain spots, but the side view this one is presenting doesn't reveal that part. But the webbing on the wings appears to be rather thick, so I'm guessing our monarch butterfly here is . . . a queen! (As opposed to a king, of course.)
Speaking of monarchs, I read a story a while back about the Queen of England, in which she stated that she enjoyed dancing to the Abba tune, Dancing Queen. "Because," she said, matter-of-factly, "I am the Queen and I like to dance!" (I am not making this up, I swear; here's proof.)
And so today's soundtrack is the Swedish pop group Abba's 1976 hit, Dancing Queen. (Yes, you may get up out of your chair and dance along! And I will too!)
*insert crazy, crowd-pleasing steps here*
Oh . . . you can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life . . .
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