The Nelson Monument

With this being Wednesday and my being a home alone sort of girl while HL strides the heather clad hills near Biggar, I apologise if any amongst you were awaiting an invitation for a blipmeet behind The Door.
I'm afraid I got the better offer of a coffee with daughter#2 on a rare day away from the NHS and bones.

Thereafter there was the little matter of shopping therapy in town at M&S. With a free refreshment token, I rewarded myself with another coffee.

Just as I was craving a little excitement, the fire alarm went off as often it does in stores; usually it is either a practise or is quickly turned off.
Not this time though and the survival operation swung into action with everyone being herded out of various exits not normally in use.
Because lifts and escalators were not permitted, stairs were the mode of exit which was an extremely difficult operation for the elderly and infirm.

I was lucky in that I was about to leave anyway, but I could have been in a changing room stripped down to my undies; how embarrassing to be caught in flagrante in the middle of Princes Street, charged with indecent exposure.

But enough excitement for the day, there is a bathroom floor to be attended to and a meal to be cooked...........

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