
By carliewired

Mule Deer Attend University

Elegant does with
yearlings browse the grounds at our

~ carliewired

I was out today with my friend and Flat Stanley trying to get the last of the photos needed for her grandson in Arizona. Flat Stanley visited the library to find the book that was his origin. He also had a haircut at HeadHunters salon, played in fallen leaves, explored an oak tree and its acorns, drove around the university and sampled poutine at the A & W restaurant. Soon he will need to return to Phoenix to detail his adventures in Canada.

When leaving the university grounds we encountered a herd of deer grazing on the north side of the campus. Vehicle traffic zooming by did not seem to concern them. I put on the four way flashers and stood outside the car to take this shot of mamas and their young. When I whistled they raised their heads and perked up their ears to determine what the sound was. It was just long enough to get a decent shot. Aren't they beautiful? It was a surprise to see them in the middle of the city.

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