Chantry Bridge

The Chantry Chapel of St Mary the Virgin was built in the mid 14th century when the stone bridge replaced a wooden one. It is one of only three surviving bridge chapels in England and, with the bridge, is a scheduled ancient monument and a Grade I listed building. The original stonework can be seen at the base, although the upper part, including the west front, was rebuilt in 1847-8.
The Friends of Wakefield Chantry Chapel, established in 1990 in collaboration with the Civic Society, exist to ensure the chapel is kept in good repair and is made available to visitors. In 1995 major roof repairs were carried out, and the building was re-wired and new lighting and heating systems were installed. Recently the interior has undergone substantial reordering with the removal of pew platforms, a new stone floor and new seating. The Chantry is now under the authority of the Dean and Chapter of Wakefield Cathedral.

There were people inside.

I was too scared to knock.

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