lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Replace the cup

Today on my lunchtime stroll I noticed this outside one of the many churches in the City of London. As far as I can tell no water comes out - it'd be considered a health and safety hazard these days to have a public drinking fountain with communal cups - but I like that the cups are still there, albeit chained on.

I like the strange mix of history in amongst the modern office blocks in the City. It adds some much needed character and reminds me that the area once had a purpose other than for business suited clones to work behind desks and buy coffee and sandwiches from chain stores.

I'm still not sure where I stand with work. No one can be bothered to acknowledge my resignation or put anything in writing do I guess I just keep coming in until they tell me not to any more and hope I get paid. I am feeling OK about things at the moment because I feel I did, and am doing, a good job of the tasks I believed were central to the role they hired me to do. Just because they are choosing to focus on other areas which are at best peripheral to the role and pick me up on my shortcomings there, it doesn't make me a failure. It's a messed up place and I can't wait to leave. This week is going so slowly.

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