Doing the old soft-shoe
According to Wiki, "old soft shoe" is a type of tap dance, hence the title of this blip. If you look closely, you'll see that the little chickadee has a sunflower seed tightly gripped in his "dancing" foot.
I wanted to go with something lighthearted today to offset the sad news about the little raccoon that I found on Sunday. I learned this morning that the little guy's injuries were too severe and he had to be euthanized. I suspected that this would be the case, but I was holding out a sliver of hope that by some miracle, he'd be fixable. Anyway, I can take some comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. And if there is an afterlife for wild creatures, hopefully his is filled with easily accessible bird feeders that he can raid to his heart's content. Rest in peace, little guy.
Busy day, but I managed to get about 45 minutes outside with the camera. Lots of birds coming through the yard and also quite a few jumping spiders in the garden. Four of my favorite shots from the day posted starting HERE on Flickr. Fair warning - the first shot is of a tiny jumping spider eating another spider. Eeek.
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