Dreamy Sleepy...

I think I've found a new type of sleep. Well, for me anyway.

I have various flavours of deep, light, disturbed, dreamy or otherwise, night time sleep. Then, there's the really bizarre afternoon sleep I used to get inbetween split shifts. It felt like really deep sleep with several layers of heavy dreaming where I thought I'd woken up but turned out to be still dreaming and so had to, dreaming, decide to wake up only for it to happen again, so on and so forth.

This new sleep is deep controlled bus sleep. I can let myself fall into a deep sleep on the bus home but always manage to trigger waking by the rumbling sections of the Forth bridge or last double roundabout before FerryToll. It gives a brill boost to help me finish off the day.

On a slightly related dreaming subject note, have you ever had dreams that feel like they interact with the world outside the dream? For instance a seemingly long drawn out story dream that finishes with a falling object banging against the ground. The noise is actually something that physically happened in your sleeping vicinty. Those are cool dreams.


Notes on the Picture...
When I got in tonight, Mrs TFP informed me that Bethany wanted to paint. What's better than painting on bathnight? Well Bethany decided to do her own ink.

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