Solace Day 14: Stand By To Repel Boarders!

...but not before I've photographed them!

It had been damp overnight and in the morning we found several snails had crept up the vegetation and boarded the boat. The would be so disappointed to find they were about to leave the lush countryside to be taken ½ a mile up the canal and into a stark marina.

We put them all back on the bank!

Chippy had to make a journey back down to Southampton by train to collect his vehicle from Dormobile. I hope he will like the Land Rover conversion!

The rest of us had a day of pottering about packing and tidying up the boat. We did venture out to give Ash a walk up the the Farm Shop then got a real soaking in the couple of minutes it took to get the key out and board the boat.

Thank goodness we'd taken The Mother's waterproof cape and kept her as warm and dry as possible!

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