a new year!

By Thesalh70

homeward bound!

well, after 6 nights quality sleep, my last nights sleep in Majorca was rubbish. I woke at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. we did have to be up at 6am anyway, but i felt robbed of another 2 hours.

breakfast, all packed, chance to capture a glorious sunrise from our balcony before we go down for the bus. that's not before we had drama in the lift! 2 suitcases, me, mum and a spanish maid stuck on the ground floor. i spotted the maid cleaning cloth stuck in the lift mechanism. She'd obviously left it near the door on ground floor when i'd called the lift. a few tense moments (for the maid, who was cursing in spanish), and we'd pulled it free, to be greeted like we'd been pulled from the titanic by at least 8 staff!!

bus, airport, and a good flight back to East Midlands, but then spent over an hour waiting for our luggage....doesn't put you in the best of moods after a wonderful holiday!

home, and unpacked and off to pick up the special boy! so excited to see him!

back home, tea, and then a short walk with Pete, before we settle down to an early night, both of us tired.

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