
By BethAndCo

Story time xxx

I think we definitely have a pattern going on here with Sunday nights. Yet again Eva was very unsettled in the night, and whereas other nights when she wakes, a quick feed and she's back in her bed asleep, yet again she was having none of it between around 4 and 6 am. She was quiet when she was in bed with us, and she was using me as a dummy, but wasn't really feeding much, just making me very sore, so she obviously just wanted snuggles, the little monkey. Each time I put her back into bed, she'd moan and cry again. I'd ignore her more, but as before, am just so conscious that Mike has to be up at 6 for a 12 hour day. No, she's still not in her own room, naughty mommy. If I didn't think of the future with potentially struggling to get her to stay in her own bed at night, I'd think, stuff it, I'd love her to sleep with us anyway hehe, but I have to put my sensible head on and stick to my guns.

As I say, she went back to sleep about 5.30-6 ish, and we both then slept through til 9.30, so that was something.

She ate loads today (for her). She had all of her baby cereal (oat and apple), chewed some toast, and ate a whole halved plum for brekkie, had 3 or 4 big milk feeds throughout the day, and for tea completely ate her roast chicken dinner, followed by a baby banana biscuit and another halved plum!

Awwww, I read her a story this afternoon, while she sat on her mat, called Wow! Said The Owl. She sat up the whole way through listening and watching me intently, the whole time shaking a rattle in each hand lol! It was so cute. I'm definitely going to read to her more, I'll just save my favourites til she can enjoy them with me more, when she knows what is happening. I've always loved books and I hope she will too.

For the first time in ages, Eva actually stayed awake for her whole bedtime milk feed. So I was able to feed her and wind her thoroughly, and put her to bed awake. And touch wood, I haven't had to go and top up feed or wind her since she went down at 8pm, which is what I usually have to do because she just falls asleep. So this will be interesting tonight on how well she sleeps now she's been properly fed and winded in one go. Xxx

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