One life to live

By otornblom

Sori square

Today I participated to a lecture of Pekka Pohjakallio about joy of work and smarter working life. I liked his ideas about new habits that are better suited for today’s office work.

In the picture is Sori square in Tampere.

* On the left hand side is a monument called Pirkka (made by Harri Kivijärvi, 1987). Pirkka is a wooden stick which was used as a receipt in the old times. Business partners marked value or amount of a merchandise to Pirkka stick and both parties got their own halves.

* In the middle is a construction site of 25 storey tower hotel. It will be ready and open in the end of 2014.

* On the right hand side is an orthodox church of Tampere. (Built 1899)

+13, sunny

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