Jambo journal

By IainC

Better Every Day

If this is how you end up from living in Ankara then Lord help you! The pharmacies all have mannequins outside to promote their wares. Not too sure about that!

First impressions of Turkey's capital: BIG, busy, building works everywhere. The city seems to be built on lots of hills and on the outskirts they're blasting the hilltops flat and quarrying out terraces where new apartment blocks and multi-storey flats are being built. Don't think I've ever seen so many high-rise flats in one place before; and isn't Turkey prone to the odd earthquake?
The traffic is just ridiculous. There were jams when we arrived, bigger jams when I went out for a walk a while later, yet bigger jams when we headed out for some dinner, still jams when we headed home. I think the Italians were probably taught to drive by the Turks!

On the plus side, the food is great and there are lots of good-looking cafés and bars in the neighbourhood. Soul Pub was pretty neat, though I have to say it's strange being back in a Smoking Zone.

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