Minnie Monday 2 - Milky

The weekend caught up with me today - I'm pooped. This coming weekend, we have ZERO plans and We are determined it'll stay like that. Casper is at the groomers but that's as active as we will be!

I feel like last night was the first night I didn't get any sleep but in reality I did, it was just in half hour spates. We have changed Min from SMA to Aptimil and it has unsettled her but I know this will only last a couple of days and Aptimil seems the best milk choice. We have the Health Visitor tomorrow so I am sure she will put us straight if I have buggered up!

My lunch plans were cancelled today so rather than wasting the day me and Min went a huge walk into town and popped into F&B for a coffee with a friend from work who was there. Home to feed the little lady and the next thing I knew Simon was home from work and we had been asleep for nearly two hours - clearly needed!

Lasagne is cooking and then I'm heading for a bath and early night :)

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