
By misswinterfinch

Garden Harvest

I am back on now and following everyone's suggestion-- this blip of squash, mystery gourds, pumpkins and geraniums collected from my garden was taken with my friends's HP Photosmart. I think it is about 10 years old but nifty nonetheless.
I can have use of it until her BIG holiday next year. Celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary by taking a cruise of the Hawaiian Islands. She is not sure whether to buy a newer point and shoot.
I have not been impressed with the teeny plastic ones I shopped when in a panic. this one is metal-cased, and seems to make a nice photo. I still have to give it a further spin.
Thanks again to everyone who commiserated with me over the loss of my "baby".
We great wind is trying to arise and remove more leaves from the trees but it is warm enough so far. think I'll go out this a.m. before the rains arrive and mow/mulch the leaves into oblivion, again.

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