Flower Faffery

for Breast Cancer Awareness Month :) Another pink flower in the garden next door!

Lazy day off, mostly taken up with playing with settings on the camera and trying to get my Camera School shot the best one possible :)

Decisions, decisions...I still can't decide, but Billy and I have had such fun working on this project and I've found that I know much more about him when he's outside by hunting him out to 'play' with his feather stick while I try to get good pictures using the 10 second timer... Now when the camera comes out, he comes to see what's going on too! I've taken dozens hundreds of pictures trying to do this...

Today was to be the last day, but unfortunately yesterday my neighbour cut all her hedges back and the one I was using as a background too (her hedge mind you)...so its been a bit of a nightmare...will just have to make do....

Have a good Monday blippers :)

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