Depressing Hand
And now for something completely different ... and what can only be described as an "EB". Played 500 today which, for those of you who don't know it, is a kind of 10 trick contract bridge with some of the elements of euchre thrown in.
Anyway. This was the worst run of cards I can remember. It got so bad I declared that I would shoot (i.e. with a camera) my next hand in the sure and certain hope that it would be yet another example of dross.
Sure enough it was. It has to be emphasized that there is provision to bid "misere" in 500 which is a contract to LOSE every trick. The score for success in misere is quite considerable and so if you have a REALLY bad hand it is actually a GOOD hand. Follow me? Yes well this is a hand which is not good enough to bid anything on and at the same time is not bad enough to be ... er ... good. It is just rubbish and that's what I got all afternoon. (sound of quiet sobbing)
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