Highs and Lows

A day of highs and lows.

A high was visiting the Mt. Lofty Botanic Garden to see the rhododendrons in flower. A massive low was realising I didn't have an SD card in my camera, and no spare in the bag. This was just as I was about to get the definitive crescent honeyeater shot :((

The Rower took a shot of me doing my "angry walk" but I don't think you'll get to see it.

A high was lunch at the Crafers Hotel, the low was the tummy ache from eating too much.

A high was having the time to work in the garden, the low was - well, I'm sure you've heard of elephant's eyes - the weeds are growing way past that mark.

The very best high was finding a new best friend. The past two or three days this Little Wattlebird (Anthochaera chrysoptera) has been following me around the garden. Although she looks a bit drab, she's very attentive and comes to see me every time I go outside.

It's my guess there's a nest somewhere nearby, and she's keeping an eye out for trouble. She's a new species for my personal backyard list.

Closer look

Here's the info according to Wiki:

The Little Wattlebird is a medium to large honeyeater, but is the smallest of the wattlebirds. It is mostly dark grey-brown above, with faint white shafts on each of the feathers. The underparts are grey and are heavily streaked with white. The streaks are finer around the throat, becoming more blotched on the sides of the belly. In flight, there is a large rufous patch in the wings. The eye is blue-grey.

The sexes are similar. Young Little Wattlebirds resemble the adults, but are duller, have less streaking and a have a browner eye.

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