
By Budazest

Day 31

The last full day in Split: a rainy day.

My shoes had holes in the bottoms of them (so I found out), so my feet got rather soaked, but that didn't stop us from going around all day. Caelie led the way to an archaeological museum in which I got free entry (because apparently I can never look over the age of 15). We then traipsed around the none-palace area of Split looking for a cafe.

Two major highlights of the day: stumbling into a tea shop to keep try and sitting in for a warm cup of tea in a very, very green room (a moment I think I'll remember for the rest of my life), and heading out to the main square of the palace after an allergy scare to dance (not tango) to live music under the moonlight.

We left Split with some honey, a huge amount of rainwater, and a bag of tea: only a few remnants of a wonderful trip.

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