EH2 3DW » another robot in the Town ;-)

omg ;-)

it' s not enough, that we are under the pressure from modern machines ;-)

ysterday's #et recording file

No. We deserve probably more :-)

Have you ever seen Mr.Bender ?

A kleptomanical, lazy, cigar-smoking, heavy drinking robot who was built in Tijuana, Mexico.

I mean the robot who still saying : "Bite my little shiny a.."

So just one thing I met his brother's model in series "Pilomat" on the Castle St.

here he is in context

Looks like while we could expect "Robots&Machines nonstop 24hrs party" in the streets of Edinburgh.

Be carefully about your streets, especially in these days. These metal guys should be everywhere.

Sorry I haven't any idea if Bender will be coming for majestic tram opening in May 2014.
Actually he must know about it. I'm pretty sure after today's afternoon. So good occassion for him, I think. Especially here in the home of pubs, ales, stouts and whiskies. Ideal country for Bender's holidays or day-offs... ufff

Have a great night without robots' visions, meetings and do not abstain like me. You could find how terrible this detox looks like after 3 weeks break from alcohol.

#snapseed news

Good night and have a great next week ;-)

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