
By cracker

18 months!

In some ways it's hard to believe that Joti is 18 months old already but in others it's hard to remember a time without her!

She is such a funny little thing. So cheeky and understands so much. She is saying quite a few words now which makes it easier!

She is sleeping pretty well but gets up early. She is in bed by 7pm then wakes at 4.30am, I feed her and sometimes she will go back to sleep until 6 but recently it's 5! That's too early! It gets light here at 5 though so I think that has something to do with it! If this house wasn't a rental we could put up our own black out curtains!

So after saying that I wanted to stop breast feeding when Joti turned one, it's now 6 months later and I'm still going! I don't feed her during the day though, she has a cup of milk, but I feed her at 4.30, then when she wakes up for the day and then again at about 5 or 6pm depending on when we have dinner. I want to stop though, it would be good to have my body back and she wriggles and mucks around so much now that it sometimes hurts and is annoying! On the other hand it's very convenient at times and at least I know she is getting all the nutrition she needs!

Her and Spence get along pretty well although sometimes she annoys him when he is trying to play with something! He also tries to help by taking things off her that she shouldn't have but we are trying to teach him that you don't force them off her, you need to swap for something she can have or talk her into giving it to you! It's a work in progress!

Joti is also very possessive of me and Kaz when Spence is around. She will come and try to push him off if he comes for a cuddle and its not enough for them to each have one of my legs to sit on!

She loves water and being in the pool although the water is still quite cold at the moment. She also loves reading books but usually won't let you read it from start to finish, she jumps around through the pages! She climbs on everything still, her favourite being the kitchen table!

She loves giving kisses now and will give you the part of her body that is sore for you to kiss which is cute! She gives cuddles too and gets worried if someone is crying so goes up and gives them a pat!

So it's very constant and I'm exhausted and tired everyday but we have two beautiful children who are coming along nicely!!

Kaz stayed in Brisbane last night and didn't get home until after five. Spence, Joti and I were up and out of the house early this morning and went to the pirate park for a play. We went from there to Fleur's house because it was Leo's birthday today!

We all walked down to the park at Moffat for a play and had fish n chips for lunch then sang happy birthday to Leo with chocolate brownie cake! We were there for about 4 hours and left at about 2 after having a great time!

Here is Joti at the pirate park this morning!

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