Cabot Trail Writer's Festival.
At this time of year, one of my favorite things to do is attend the Cabot Trail Writer's Festival. This is the 5th year for this amazing little festival that is getting wonderful reviews across the country. It starts off on friday night with a gala event, the 3 authors do a reading and there is a musical element, this year provided by two of the islands wonderful musicians...and of course, wine, great food and schmoozing with friends! we had a lovely evening and then i headed back there today for the final day's offerings.
They had asked me to donate a piece for the survey one of my huge whirling dervish teapots sat in a prominent position throughout the festival, i felt very honored to have been asked!
This shot was taken at Englishtown, on my drive home, as i sat in the line for the ferry...for an hour! That wasn't so much fun- but didn't detract from a great day!
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