
By Anniemay


When I got up this morning my blip idea was a portrait of someone blowing a large bubble. I vaguely thought that one or all of my lovely children would do this for me when they’re all together for dinner this evening. Here’s a conversation I had with Igor over breakfast:

Me : I think I’ll try to get the children to blow bubble gum bubbles for me and take a portrait of them. They’re not always very good at going along with my ideas though.
Igor (my ever faithful blip assistant) : I could do it.
Me : But you hate having your photo taken.
Igor : But my face would be hidden by the bubble.
Me : mmmm No thanks your eyebrows would still show and they’re too wonky.

Igor has been walking around all day pulling at his rejected eyebrows and chuntering to himself about why they’re not good enough.

Anyway in the end the children came up with a multitude of excuses for why they couldn’t pose for my bubble blip so here’s my emergency bubbly, bubble wrap cappuccino.

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