
By NellyO

Tiny brussels

A very productive couple of hours on the allotment this afternoon - as well as harvesting more courgettes, spinach beet, oriental leaves and getting given a bag of runner beans by our neighbours, I also planted out some garlic and some autumn-sowing broad beans, so we should have stuff to harvest from the spring, and Pete did a stirling job of weeding and digging. The broccoli has flowered, luckily our neighbour (who has grown broccoli before and so has a clue, unlike us!) was able to tell us that the flowering bits need chopping off so that it would hopefully put its energy into growing broccoli rather than flowers, so we did that too. The radishes next to the broccoli have also appeared - we won't have many, but to have a couple will be an achievement this year!

This is a picture of one of our brussels plants - it seems like 4 out of the 5 of them now have visible baby sprouts, they are the little blobs sitting at the joint of the stem and the leaves, so hopefully that is that bit of Christmas dinner sorted :)

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