Making an ass of oneself!

Last week at the local camera club they were going on about more being less! Well today it was less was less! My cousin & I went along to the Ardfern fayre and paid £2.50 to get in which included teas & sandwich/baking etc
The Fayre began at 12 noon and we got there about one, paid our dues, looked around all the weird stuff (i was ARdfern after all) then went for tea. Fine & dandy we got our tea but not our promised & paid for pieces or anything else as they had ran out! An hour into the event and there was zilch to eat! To be fair the fayre gave us some money back but still charged a quid for a cup of hot water! I have never been to a fete or "fayre" or bazaar before which ran out of grub so early on! There were mutterings of it being "English" so you would be fine with a cup of tea in your paw! but I didnt buy that excue. Never saw anything worth buying apart from a poxy wee plate of brownies (£2) to go with our tea which I didnt grudge as it was for their local ecclesiastical establishment renovation funds. However ladies of the guild or what ever union you belong to.... plan for hungry folks!
Made friends with this donkey, why do donkeys always look so sad?

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