Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


For day six of DDW's October challenge: Irritating

First I have to say, wow - was very pleasantly surprised to have received so many stars on yesterday's blip, that's the most I've ever had in all my 727 entries!! - Thank you all.

This is what that yellow flower I captured a few days ago looks like now, and I have to admit it reminds me if my hair which irritates me non-stop! People pay lots of money for messy hairstyles I know, and I guess that's fine if you like that kind of look, but I don't and I have that naturally messy look which irritates me. I cannot remember the last time I was able to just wake up, brush my hair and feel comfortable leaving the house! Doesn't happen with hair like mine, there's too much if it, it's wavy, it's wild and sticks up all over the place, so each and every day it needs to be washed and tamed! To add to this irritation, there's a lot if silver strands appearing thick and fast and I don't have the time for routine visits to hairdressers so another irritation that I need to just accept.

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