
By fennerpearson

New home

This corner is a little area of order and calm amidst a jumble of my possessions. And not all of my possessions at that; there's an awful lot of stuff still back at the old cottage (as we're now calling it for clarity's sake).

But today, ably assisted by The Minx, all of the big items, those for which I needed a transit van, were moved. At least I thought they were: I've just remembered a couple of big things that won't fit in the car, like the bookcase. That's the problem with looking around your own house; you can't force yourself to notice all of the things that live with you day in and day out.

Anyway, this evening a good friend of mine, Chris, came 'round and had a glass of wine with me and we sat amidst the clutter and I felt I had taken the first few steps towards making this new cottage home.

N.B. That black cushion on the chair came from one of the Kraftwerk gigs earlier this year :-)

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