Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

A Rocking Good Weekend

After all the trials and tribulations of the Rest and be Thankful, we ended up in Glasgow a day early! We booked a hotel for Thursday night and set off. Just before we got to Lochgilphead, we heard on the radio that the A83 was open again! Isn't that just like the thing. However,as the hotel was paid for we carried on and, in any case, we would get a long lie in the morning and not have to concern ourselves with travelling.

While we were keen to get to Glasgow for dental and optician appointments, our main eagerness was to get to the Rod Stewart concert at the new Hydro arena. We met up with some good friends for a meal before heading to the concert. The Hydro is an incredible building and looks like something that has landed from outer space. Its bound to become a major Glasgow landmark and already dwarfs the Armadillo.

This was our fourth Rod Stewart concert and without question the best. The acoustics were fabulous, the set out of this world and the old rocker showing no signs of slowing down (Rod that is, not me!)

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