My Aim is True


tattoo tat

Always good at work when someone behaves a little stupidly isn't it? Makes one feel a bit better about the times when one has done so in the past.

And just in case you have any negative energy fields at work, can I suggest this talented young lady?

Some Victorian art after work. Another thing ticked off my list for this Festival season. And very good it was too.

Decided to walk home, and had a great idea that I would blip the two jets that fly over The Esplanade at the start of the Tattoo. It's quite spectacular watching them come up the Royal Mile. However, let us just gloss over how shit my blip if this spectacle was. I shall leave that to be blipped by someone more capable.

I like taking photos of lit up shops at night , and I once uploaded one to blip that I think is rather good. And actually I sorta like these tartan tat shops in a strange way.

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