Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Sleepy afternoon

The sun has returned and it a beautiful warm day with just a few clouds scudding across the sky as the Tramontane blows away yesterdays's mist and rain. Fortunately, our valley is sheltered from the wind. We went up to Fillols, one of the closest villages to Canigo for a coffee and a mooch around. The bar is always open on the tiny square but we had the place to ourselves bar the usual stray dogs and a couple of young children who had no doubt escaped their parents' suggestion of a sieste. Three kilos of grapes were boiled up this morning and are straining ready for tomorrow's next batch of grape jelly. The market is getting quieter now and the queue at the fish van shorter. As well as the usual mussels and sea bass, I got some salt cod for the week as I have not had it before and it a common Catalan dish.

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