Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Royal Oak

Characters-a-plenty pass through the doors of the Royal Oak. Some great faces in there for portraiture. But I was there to listen to Euan Forfar, a character who kens an awful lot about an awful lot, has a great voice and strums a guitar as good as any top musician.

Linda Dunnill-Hasselbeck, all the way from Madrid (the smaller Madrid in America) with her fiddle as her companion, played along with some of Euans songs. The other character never drank, occasionally collected empty glasses and just listened with no indication in his features of whether or not he thought it was good music. Somehow though I think he loved it all.

Stories are played out all around you as you sit there, well, with an added bit of imagination anyway. You have to see stories in the engrained faces.

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