
Tonight was the 40th birthday of the company I used to work for which merged with another insurance broker 31.12.99, which was subsequently merged with a bigger broker in June 2001, which was subsequently bought in August 2008 where my role was outsourced so I left in 2009 to avoid a relocation to Romford. I returned to the London office on 04.01.11 as a fixed term contractor was made permanent last November and on 01.10.13 I and others were TUPE back to the company who did the purchase in 2008 - phew confused? I certainly am at times and it sure makes the CV messy.

Anyway this is Lisa who used to be a PA at the original company - she left when she had a family and Keith who is a marine broker he left in 2009 with his team to pastures new. It was a great evening and many people some who left long before I started. There is a reunion every 2 years but last night was by far the biggest and best yet.

I hadn't intended taking photos but the ex colleague who organises it said she felt uncomfortable using the flash on her compact so was getting blurred pics - she said she didn't want to piss people off - so I said I'll do it I don't care :) But I decided to stick with what I know coz OMG compacts are a nightmare to work - I need a viewfinder not a screen to frame a pic :)

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