Golden Sunrise

Well a glorious morning indeed and I managed to grab this shot looking under the railway bridge next to Inverkeithing Cemetery looking out over the Forth not long after the sun came up and hopefully the weather stays like this today anyway it was back to the house and I hunted around for my electric back massager seat as my back has been playing up recently and today was really sore I guess the car crash I was in back in the early nineties started it off then I ended up in hospital on new years eve many years ago when driving my freight train as a bunch of thugs through bricks through the side cab window knocking me to the floor as I drove through the wee Lanarkshire village of Cleland I had lacerations to my face and neck and jarred my back as I fell out the seat after being struck in the face and then a couple of falls as well have compounded the old back pain over the years so it's going to be a lazy saturday at home catching up with loads of recorded TV shows from when I was in the US of A anyway movie for the day is "The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad 1973" Looks good Large See Ya

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